How to Draw a Woolly Mammoth Like a Pro

A woolly mammoth is a large animal similar to elephants. They are found in frozen and northern landscapes.

To start drawing the mammoth, draw a big circle that’s about four times larger than the head. This will serve as the guide for its body. Next, sketch two curved lines that overlap each other for the mammoth’s tusks.


The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) was an extinct large mammal of the Pleistocene epoch, comparable in size to modern elephants. It lived throughout the northern hemisphere and was hunted to near extinction by early humans, who used its bones and fur for tools, clothing and shelter. Its tusks were used for fighting and to dig up snow and food. Its ears and tail were short to minimise frostbite and heat loss. Adults were able to defend themselves with their tusks, but juveniles and weakened adults were vulnerable to pack hunters such as wolves and cave hyenas.

Begin your mammoth drawing with a circle as the guide for the head. Draw an inverted letter C on the right side of the circle for the ear. Sketch the mammoth’s mouth using a curved line.

Next, sketch a couple of straight lines to outline the mammoth’s body and hump. Make sure that these lines are not too close together or else your mammoth will look crooked. Draw a few more straight lines for the front legs and a curved one for the back leg. Add the tusks using a curved line for each.

Then, sketch the face using a few curved lines for each of the eyes. Draw a big tuft of hair on the top of its head. Finally, sketch a wide base for its trunk.

Make the body by tightly scrunching up 5 or 6 sheets of newspaper into an egg shape and wrap it with tape to hold its form. Cut a length of bamboo circle for each leg and glue them in a stack with PVA or use a glue gun. Cover the mammoth with ModRoc and leave to dry. Paint it when it’s dry.


Mammoths had curved and twisted tusks that could grow up to 16 feet long. Their tusks were much thicker than that of elephants, which are generally only about four inches long. They were used mainly for fighting and dominance.

Mammoths were animals that lived in the Ice Age and became extinct at the end of the Pleistocene era around 11,500 years ago. They were herbivores that adapted to cold environments by having thick coats, which helped them stay warm in winter. They also had a dense layer of fat that kept them from freezing. They were also able to graze in deep snow that would have frozen their elephant cousins.

Unlike modern elephants, which are protected in many countries, mammoths have been hunted to the brink of extinction. They were hunted by humans, and their habitat was destroyed by anthropogenic climate change. Some scientists believe that the extinction of the mammoth was due to a combination of factors, including climate change and human hunting.

If you want to draw a mammoth, it’s important to have a good reference image. It’s also a good idea to use soft pencil, so you can erase your mistakes easily. Start by drawing a circle as a guide for the head of the mammoth. Make sure to leave room on the left side for the mammoth’s face. Next, draw a long curve line from the top portion of the head then drag it down and enclosed it with another curved line to make the first tusk on the mammoth’s head. After that, add another tusk on the opposite side of the mammoth’s head with an irregular shape. Then add a few lines for the fur to make it thicker.


Unlike modern elephants, woolly mammoths had small ears. This feature probably helped these Ice Age giants to conserve body heat. In addition, the ears were rounded to help protect their brains from cold temperatures. The tail of the mammoth was short – there would have been no need for it in the Arctic tundra where the animal lived.

Mammoths were able to sustain themselves on a diet of grasses and shrubs thanks to their flat, wide molars. Their cousins, the mastodons, had rounded, raised ridges on their molars and were more likely to browse on woody plants such as trees and bushes (Matheus, pp. 57).

The back end of the mammoth featured a mound of fat that could be used as insulation in the freezing climate. This was also a source of energy for the animal, allowing it to run long distances on little food.

Both the male and female mammoths carried a pair of tusks that were curved down at the front and sometimes crossed over each other. These tusks were used to fight each other for territory, breeding rights or food. This behavior led to heated physical battles that often ended in fatal injuries (Matheus, pp. 57-8).

In an effort to understand the behavior of mammoths, scientists are studying fossils and working on reviving the extinct animals using living relatives such as Asian elephants. These mammoths will be genetically modified to look and act like their Ice Age cousins. The project has attracted the attention of famed geneticist George Church who believes that by rewriting the mammoth’s DNA, these creatures can be resurrected to help protect our planet. The Albright-Knox is currently constructing a life-size woolly mammoth, and it’s expected to draw crowds when completed.


The woolly mammoth is a mammal that lived during the Pliocene epoch (5 million years ago) and into the Holocene period (4,500 years ago). It was similar to elephants, but it had long tusks for fighting. It was also able to move quickly in order to find food or water.

The well-preserved remains of this mammoth have allowed scientists to study its behavior. Researchers have been able to trace the mammoth’s movements through isotope analysis of its tusks. The data suggests that Nun cho ga was likely a bull mammoth that traveled with herds as she matured.

In addition, the scientists have been able to analyze traces of sex hormones in the tusk. These traces, which contain the chemical composition of testosterone, confirm that the mammoth experienced musth. This is the first time that molecular evidence of musth in an extinct mammal has been found.

The discovery of this mammoth’s tusk was made in Alaska’s Koyukuk River. A group of University of Virginia professors spotted the tusk during a float down the river. One of the scientists, Adrienne Ghaly, a postdoc in Environmental Humanities, shared her picture of the tusk on Twitter and Reddit.

This is just one of many well-preserved Ice Age creatures that have been uncovered in recent decades in the Yukon Territory. The permafrost acts as a freezer, preserving soft tissues like muscle and hair along with important information such as DNA. This makes the Yukon a unique place for researchers to study these long-deceased animals. For example, miners have recently discovered the frozen remains of a wolf pup, a caribou calf, and a giant camel. Scientists are hoping that the same conditions will allow them to find other examples of the rare and amazing woolly mammoth.


Woolly mammoths’ distinctive long hair was a key adaptation to the Arctic tundra. These tufts of coarse, wiry outer fur and shorter inner “wool” provided a dense, insulating layer. Mammoth hair could be a range of colors, from orange to blond to nearly black. This fur, along with their big humps and thick layers of fat, enabled Ice Age mammals to thrive in frigid temperatures and the harsh landscape of the Arctic tundra.

Mammoths were powerful predators, but were also vulnerable to competition for food and territory. They often fought with other mammoths over mating rights, and their large tusks were displayed during interspecies fighting. They defended themselves against larger predators by using their tusks, large tails and size. But they were preyed upon by wolves, cave hyenas and other large carnivores.

In recent years, scientists have sought to resurrect this extinct species by cloning or genetically engineering mammoths. The goal is not to create perfect mammoths, but rather to use their genes to help Asian elephants survive in the Arctic.

While the idea of bringing back mammoths is intriguing, the reality is more complicated than a simple gene swap. Scientists are learning more about the DNA of these Ice Age giants through studies of frozen carcasses. These samples provide clues to their appearance, behavior and habitat. Researchers are also looking at ways to combine the genes of elephants with those of mammoths in order to resurrect mammoths that have a hybrid ancestry.

A Dallas-based biotechnology company, Colossal Biosciences, has announced that it will try to create mammoth-elephant hybrid calves by 2027. The company says that reintroducing mammoths could re-establish the grassland ecosystem that once existed across the Arctic and boost the permafrost’s ability to store carbon dioxide.