How a DWI Conviction Can Affect Your Life and Career

A DWI conviction can have many ramifications that impact your life and career. For commercial drivers especially, it can be catastrophic.

Louisiana law requires all suspects to submit to SFST tests and blood-alcohol tests. A refusal will result in a one-year license suspension.

DUI and DWI are the primary terms for charges related to alcohol and drug impairment while driving. These charges are often a misdemeanor or felony, depending on whether it’s your first offense or your second.

Jail Time

A judge will set bail for a first offense Louisiana DUI. The bail amount can vary from $2500. You can either post a cash bond with the sheriff or pay a bail bondsman 12% of the total bail amount to post it for you.

First time dwi louisiana arrests are generally misdemeanor offenses, and you can avoid jailtime by performing community service or attending programs or classes. However, a conviction will stay on your record for ten years.

A DWI on your record can hurt your job prospects, especially if you work with heavy machinery. It may also lead to your employer firing you. It can even impact your career as a professional license holder, such as an attorney or doctor. You can also lose your insurance.


A Louisiana DWI is a serious criminal offense, even for first-time offenders. Fines, community service, license suspension and alcohol/drug classes are all possible penalties. A DWI will stay on your record for years and can seriously affect your life. It could affect employment opportunities, especially in professional jobs such as law enforcement, nursing or medicine. In addition, it will likely cause your car insurance rates to rise significantly. If you have been injured by a drunk driver, a personal injury lawyer can help you seek compensation.

The state of Louisiana prohibits anyone from operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher. Commercial drivers who are charged with a DWI can lose their job and face jail time. Hiring an experienced Louisiana DWI lawyer can make the difference in your case.


Depending on the state, a DWI conviction can stay on your record for many years. It can also affect your job search. Most jobs require you to disclose any previous arrests, and a DWI can tarnish your application. You may be eked out of a position by someone who does not have any prior arrests.

For first time offenders, the judge may not impose jailtime and place you on probation instead. However, you will have to complete 32 hours of community service – half of which must be litter abatement – and enroll in an alcohol awareness or substance abuse program. In addition, you will have to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle, pay a fine and file an SR-22 with the DMV.

Ignition Interlock Device

The ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer-type device that is installed on any vehicles that are registered to the person being required to have the device. It is used to help prevent people from driving while drunk. The device stops the car’s engine from starting until a breath sample is taken that meets maximal alcohol guidelines set by your state.

It will also prompt the driver to perform a random retest. The test will not occur while you are moving, so you have time to pull over and safely perform the retest before your engine starts running again.

Courts can order you to have an ignition interlock device as a condition of getting your license back after a DUI conviction, or as part of a restricted license during a suspension period. Intoxalock staffs state specialists that can explain your options.


Expungement is the process of removing a criminal conviction from your record. Many people who have a record of DUI or OWI convictions pursue expungement to clear the charges from their records. An expungement can help you start a new life, and it will make the arrest or conviction inaccessible to outside parties. An experienced attorney can guide you through the expungement process.

Having your record expunged can be a valuable tool for those looking to get jobs or professional licenses. Expungement can also protect your privacy. However, state licensing boards for healthcare, financial positions, social work and some law jobs can still see your expunged records.

There are some crimes that cannot be expunged in Louisiana, including misdemeanor DWI/DUI convictions. An experienced DUI defense lawyer can explain the laws regarding expungement.