Fenben For Humans – Can it Be Used to Fight Cancer?

Fenben for humans is becoming a popular topic in the health world thanks to a well-known story about a guy who supposedly used fenbendazole to cure his small cell lung cancer. However, the story isn’t just a simple case of someone using an off-the-shelf medication to treat a medical condition – it’s actually supported by scientific evidence and may be able to help fight some of the most harmful cancers known to man.

Fenbendazole is a benzimidazole antibiotic that was originally developed to treat parasitic worm infections in dogs and has since been repurposed as a human anticancer drug. It exhibits moderate microtubule depolymerizing activity and has potent anti-tumor activity in cell culture and animal models. Specifically, fenbendazole blocks the expression of GLUT 4 in cancer cells, preventing them from taking up glucose via insulin-stimulated intracellular vesicles, and starving them of their main energy source.

Despite the fact that long-term exposure to fenbendazole has not been scientifically studied in people, the drug is typically tolerated well by humans when taken for short periods of time to treat parasite infections. This led to the discovery that a combination of fenbendazole and certain vitamins could be highly effective in fighting off various forms of cancer.

Since then, this treatment has been used by many people to prevent their cancer from recurring or even to actively treat their existing disease. Despite the lack of scientific data, most of these individuals report positive results and no negative side effects. However, it’s important to note that this is not a safe or recommended way to use the medication and should only be done under the care of a qualified healthcare professional.

In order to test the effectiveness of a fenbendazole and vitamin therapy, researchers created an animal model by injecting fenbendazole into mice that had developed tumors. Then, they fed the mice a special diet that was high in vitamin C and E to see whether it would inhibit cancer growth or cause any other side effects.

The results of the experiment showed that the fenbendazole and vitamin treatment prevented cancer from growing in the mice. In addition, the fenbendazole and vitamins combination significantly reduced the size of existing tumors, and completely eradicated new cancerous cells. Furthermore, the fenbendazole treatment was also able to prevent the development of resistant tumors, which is one of the biggest issues with current cancer treatments. Ultimately, the research shows that the fenbendazole cancer treatment could be a valuable addition to conventional therapies and should be studied further. This could potentially lead to the development of a more effective and safer anti-cancer medication that’s much easier for patients to take than chemotherapy. It’s also a lot cheaper. Considering that there is currently no effective treatment for most of the major cancers, any new breakthrough is worth investigating. We can only hope that this research will be further funded and eventually translated into successful clinical trials. In the meantime, patients with cancer should talk to their healthcare provider about getting on a fenbendazole regimen to help them battle their illness.