Dental Engineering and Dentistry

Dentists and engineers share a common interest in developing solutions to problems in the oral and craniofacial area. With that in mind, Columbia University is launching the first-of-its-kind dual doctoral program at the intersection of engineering and dentistry.

One of the goals is to instill more rigorous engineering principals into the design of dental restorations and treatments. We caught up with Professor Alex Fok to find out more.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are metal frames or posts that replace the roots of missing teeth. They fuse with the jawbone to create a strong foundation for bridges or dentures. The result is a more natural appearance and feel than traditional dentures, which can move and shift in the mouth. Dental implants also prevent the bone loss that occurs when a tooth is removed.

The success of dental implant placement depends on a complex series of events that occur at the macro-level, including osseointegration and compressive bite load transfer. Micro-level bone response can be enforced by biocompatible titanium surface topographies that mimic the structure of bone tissue.

Most adults who are in good general health can receive implants. However, chronic illnesses or habits like tobacco use can slow healing. In addition, patients with autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, may not be candidates for implants because these conditions can interfere with bone fusion. In these cases, a zygomatic implant, which is placed in the cheekbone instead of the jawbone, may be an option.

Restorative Materials

Dental restorative materials are used to repair the damage induced by trauma or caries. They need to have good strength, adherence and aesthetics. They must also be capable of withstanding different categories of masticatory forces and environments, as well as resisting material fatigue.

Modern dentistry is more likely to use indirect restorations such as composite resin or glass ionomers. These are applied to the tooth in layers, then cured under a curing light. A resin is then placed on top of the ionomer, and then a glass or ceramic cap is added. These types of restorations need to have excellent adhesion, and a good seal to prevent microleakage.

The bonding mechanism of ionomers involves acid-etching the enamel and dentin to remove the smear layer, then a polymeric resin infiltrates the collagen fibrils to form a mixed layer. This allows ions to be exchanged through the dentinal tubules, such as sodium, silicon and fluoride. This type of ionomer cement is not susceptible to shrinkage or microleakage, and it can be recharged with fluoride as needed.

Tissue Engineering

Dental tissue engineering (TE) is a novel therapeutic approach to replace and restore missing tooth tissues. It is based on a cell, signaling molecule and scaffold triad to promote tissue growth and integration. Amongst others, a promising strategy is to use dental stem cells seeded on biomaterials in combination with appropriate stimuli for odontogenesis and/or regeneration.

In addition to the development of new materials, dental engineers also work to improve and optimize existing equipment in a practice. This includes intraoral scanners, CBCT and 3D printers; as well as the design and manufacturing of implants and prosthetic restorations.

The Center’s vision is to provide a unique platform to bridge the gap between basic science and clinical applications of materials in dentistry. To this end, the center has established a dual degree program at Columbia University at the intersection of Engineering and Dental Medicine that will train future leaders in both fields. The first cohort is expected to enroll in 2023.


The vast majority of equipment and technology within a dental practice is designed and built with precision to provide optimum ease of use and longevity. But over time, even the most robust equipment is prone to breakdowns and malfunctions. That’s where skilled dental engineers come in.

FEA is used to model the mechanical properties of teeth, dental devices, and biological tissues in response to applied loads. These loads can vary from the static load of mastication, to more complex dynamic loads associated with chewing and swallowing.

In order to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for dental engineers, Columbia University has recently launched a dual degree program at the intersection of engineering and dentistry. This exciting new opportunity aims to train the next generation of dental scientists to tackle challenges at the forefront of medicine and dentistry. dental engineering