Buzz Be Gone: DIY Outdoor Fly Trap

Looking to get rid of those pesky flies buzzing around your outdoor space? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to make a DIY outdoor fly trap that will help keep those irritating insects at bay.

With just a few supplies and some simple steps, you’ll be able to enjoy your time outside without the constant annoyance of flies. Say goodbye to buzzing and hello to a fly-free environment with our easy-to-follow guide.

Why Use a DIY Outdoor Fly Trap

To effectively control the fly population in your outdoor space, you should consider using a DIY outdoor fly trap. By making your own fly trap, you have the advantage of customizing it to suit your specific needs. Store-bought fly traps can be expensive and may not always be effective.

With a DIY trap, you can use simple materials that are easily accessible and inexpensive, such as a plastic bottle, a sweet liquid attractant, and some tape. DIY traps are also environmentally friendly, as they don’t rely on harmful chemicals or pesticides.

Additionally, using a DIY outdoor fly trap allows you to minimize the use of harmful sprays and avoid exposing yourself and your family to potentially toxic substances. So why not give it a try and bid those annoying flies goodbye?

Understanding the Behavior of Flies

Get to know the behavior of flies to create an effective DIY outdoor fly trap. Understanding their behavior will help you target their weaknesses and set up your trap in the most strategic location.

Flies are attracted to strong odors, especially those related to food or waste. They’ve a strong sense of smell and can detect these odors from a distance.

Flies also prefer warm environments, so they’re more active during the day when the temperature is higher. They’re agile and quick, making it challenging to swat them away.

Essential Supplies for Making a Fly Trap

Now that you understand the behavior of flies, it’s time to gather the essential supplies needed to create your DIY outdoor fly trap.

To make a successful fly trap, you’ll need a few basic items that are easily accessible.

First, you’ll need a plastic bottle with a screw-on lid, preferably a 2-liter soda bottle. This will serve as the main container for your trap.

Next, you’ll need a sharp knife or scissors to cut the bottle.

You’ll also need some bait to attract the flies, such as rotting fruit, sugar water, or even a mixture of vinegar and dish soap.

Additionally, you’ll need a piece of string or wire to hang the trap, and some tape or glue to secure the bait inside the bottle.

With these essential supplies, you’re now ready to create your own effective fly trap.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Building Your Fly Trap

Start by gathering all the necessary supplies to construct your DIY outdoor fly trap. You’ll need:

  1. A large plastic bottle, such as a soda bottle
  2. Scissors
  3. Tape
  4. A piece of string or wire
  5. Bait such as sugar water or fruit juice

Begin by cutting the top third of the bottle off and setting it aside.

Take the remaining bottom part of the bottle and fill it with your chosen bait.

Next, invert the top part of the bottle and insert it into the bottom part, forming a funnel shape.

Secure the two parts together using tape. Make sure to leave a small opening at the bottom to allow flies to enter.

Lastly, attach a piece of string or wire to the top of the trap for hanging it outdoors.

Now you’re ready to hang your fly trap and enjoy a buzz-free outdoor experience.

Choosing the Right Bait for Maximum Effectiveness

To ensure maximum effectiveness, choose a bait that will attract flies such as sugar water or fruit juice. Flies are naturally drawn to sweet scents, so using a bait that replicates this will increase your chances of trapping them.

Sugar water can easily be made by dissolving sugar in water, creating a sticky mixture that flies find irresistible. Fruit juice, especially citrus flavors like lemon or orange, also works well as a bait due to its strong and appealing aroma.

When selecting your bait, it’s important to keep in mind that flies have a strong sense of smell, so opt for strong-smelling options that will attract them from a distance.

Placing and Maintaining Your Fly Trap

Now that you have constructed your DIY outdoor fly trap and chosen the right bait, it’s time to focus on placing and maintaining it for maximum effectiveness.

When it comes to positioning your fly trap, it’s important to consider the areas where flies are most prevalent. Place your trap in a shady spot, preferably near garbage cans, compost piles, or outdoor dining areas. This will attract flies and increase the trap’s efficiency. Additionally, make sure to hang the trap at eye level to catch flying insects effectively.

As for maintenance, regularly empty the trap and replace the bait to prevent overflow and maintain its attractiveness. Clean the trap thoroughly to prevent the buildup of debris, ensuring its long-term functionality.

Monitoring and Assessing the Fly Population

When assessing the fly population, keep a close eye on the number of flies caught in your trap and regularly monitor their activity. The number of flies caught will give you an indication of the effectiveness of your trap and the size of the fly population in your area.

If you notice a significant increase in the number of flies caught over time, it could mean that the fly population is growing. On the other hand, a decrease in the number of flies caught may suggest that your trap is working well in reducing the fly population.

Additionally, monitoring their activity is crucial. Pay attention to their behavior, such as their feeding patterns and breeding sites, as this information can help you better understand their habits and develop effective control strategies.

Troubleshooting Common Fly Trap Issues

If you’re experiencing issues with your DIY outdoor fly trap, here are some common troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them.

First, make sure that your trap is placed in the right location. Flies are attracted to areas with food and waste, so consider moving the trap closer to these sources.

Additionally, check the bait you’re using. It should be fresh and strong-smelling to attract flies effectively. If you notice that the trap isn’t catching as many flies as before, try changing the bait or cleaning the trap to remove any debris that may be blocking the entrance.

Tips for Preventing Flies in Your Outdoor Space

To effectively prevent flies in your outdoor space, prioritize cleanliness and sanitation. Flies are attracted to dirt, garbage, and decaying organic matter, so keeping your outdoor area clean is crucial.

Regularly remove any trash or food waste from your yard, as these are prime breeding grounds for flies. Make sure to clean up any spills or crumbs immediately, as they can also attract flies.

Additionally, regularly empty and clean your garbage cans to prevent flies from being drawn to the odors. It’s also important to maintain good hygiene in your outdoor spaces, such as cleaning up after pets and regularly mowing the lawn.

Additional Fly Control Methods for Optimal Results

To further enhance fly control in your outdoor space, incorporate additional methods for optimal results.

One effective method is to keep your outdoor area clean and free of food debris. Flies are attracted to rotting fruit, spilled drinks, and uncovered garbage. Make sure to promptly clean up any spills and dispose of garbage in tightly sealed containers.

Another method is to use natural fly repellents, such as essential oils like peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus. These scents are unpleasant to flies and can help keep them away.

Additionally, consider installing fly screens on doors and windows to prevent flies from entering your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use the DIY Outdoor Fly Trap Indoors?

Yes, you can use the DIY outdoor fly trap indoors. It’s a great way to catch flies and keep them away. Just make sure to place it in areas where flies are most common.

How Long Does It Take for the Fly Trap to Start Working?

It takes a few hours for the fly trap to start working. Hang it up in an area with lots of flies and watch as it attracts and traps them, making your outdoor space bug-free.

Is the DIY Outdoor Fly Trap Safe for Pets and Children?

Yes, the DIY outdoor fly trap is safe for pets and children. It is designed to attract flies and not cause harm to anyone. Just make sure to place it in a secure area.

How Often Should I Clean and Maintain the Fly Trap?

You should clean and maintain the fly trap regularly to ensure its effectiveness. Remove dead flies and empty the trap every few days. This will prevent any buildup and keep it working efficiently.

Are There Any Natural Alternatives to Chemical Baits That Can Be Used in the Fly Trap?

Yes, there are natural alternatives to chemical baits that you can use in the fly trap. Some options include apple cider vinegar, sugar water, or even a mixture of dish soap and water.


In conclusion, building a DIY outdoor fly trap is a simple and effective way to control the fly population in your outdoor space. By understanding the behavior of flies and using the right bait, you can significantly reduce the number of flies around you.

Regular monitoring and troubleshooting will ensure that your fly trap is working optimally. Additionally, implementing other fly control methods and practicing good hygiene will further prevent flies from infesting your outdoor area.