Divorce Lawyer in Haifa

Divorce can be a stressful time for a family. A good lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal system and settle your issues. They can also take care of all the paperwork and filings for you.

Israel has two parallel court systems for family law, one civil and the other religious. A religious divorce requires a ceremony and the consensual transfer of a document called a “get.”


A family and divorce lawyer will help you with a variety of issues related to your marriage, children, property, and estate. They will work with you to create an effective strategy for your specific situation. They will also help you collect evidence that will support your case. This can include documents, recordings, and other items.

A good divorce layer will be experienced in the legal system and familiar with the complexities of Israeli law. They will understand the sensitive nature of the issues you are dealing with and be able to guide you through the process calmly and respectfully. They will also be able to handle complex situations that might arise during your separation, such as cases of domestic violence and child custody battles.

A Divorce lawyer in Haifa will be familiar with the legal system in Israel, including the civil and religious courts that rule on family law issues. A civil court uses secular law, while religious courts use Jewish law. If you are Jewish, you must get your GET through a Rabbinic court, or you will not be legally divorced. In addition, your family lawyer will know which court system is best for you. For example, a civil court can be more efficient than a religious one for complex divorce cases that involve a lot of money and assets.


One of the most important duties of a Divorce lawyer in Haifa is helping couples work through the different possible grounds for divorce. They also handle issues related to custody, child support, and property division. They spend time reviewing paycheck stubs, tax returns, and property value information, and they listen to their client’s account of their situation and objectives and provide advice based on this.

Family law attorneys may also refer their clients to professionals such as forensic accountants and mortgage brokers. This is because a lot of cases revolve around property and funds that one spouse would like to keep for themselves. For example, a woman could have accumulated a significant amount of capital before marriage that she would like to save, and a family law attorney can help her prove that these assets are not subject to division in a divorce.

In addition to this, family law attorneys are often involved in legal proceedings that involve domestic violence. They can assist their clients in obtaining restraining orders and serve as guardians ad litem for children in these cases.

In Israel, there are two parallel legal systems for family law, including civil and religious courts. A family law attorney can advise their clients on which court system to use, as well as if they should pursue a religious divorce (known as GET) or not. They can also help with issues such as sight arrangements, alimony, and making the divorce process public.

Knowledge of Haifa’s Legal Environment

Haifa juts out along Israel’s Mediterranean coastline and is a major port, commercial, educational and industrial center of northern Israel. It is home to the University of Haifa (founded in 1964) and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, the oldest high ranked university in both Israel and the Middle East. The city has a large maritime museum and numerous parks and gardens, including the Persian Gardens. Landmarks include a gold-enamelled domed shrine and the world headquarters of the Bahai faith.

During the Nakba and the decades that followed, Zionist forces flattened the majority of the Palestinian buildings in the city’s historic center, replacing them with Israeli governmental and commercial buildings. However, some Palestinian neighborhoods and buildings remain.

The city has a reputation as being a place where coexistence is possible and even celebrated. It is home to Jews, Muslims, Catholics, atheists and the Bahai faith, all living in a remarkably peaceful and respectful manner alongside each other.

Haifa is also known for being the first home of Israel’s hi-tech industry. It has a number of large manufacturing plants, such as car factories and a large shipbuilding yard. The city is also known for its diverse and tolerant work culture, and it has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Israel. This is largely due to the fact that many of Haifa’s residents are employed in the hi-tech sector, which pays well and offers opportunities for advancement.

Mediation and Collaboration

Choosing to divorce is one of the most significant decisions many people make in their lives. There are several paths to getting a divorce, including litigation (with or without lawyers), mediation and collaborative law. Each takes a different route to the same goal: reaching an agreement and filing a separation agreement with the courts.

Mediation involves spouses meeting with a neutral third party who is specially trained in helping couples reach their own settlements outside of court. The mediator is sometimes a lawyer, but is more often a professional who has been trained in working with couples to settle their disputes. During mediation, spouses discuss their issues and describe how they think the issue was caused. Then, each of them presents their solutions for resolving the problem.

Then the mediator facilitates discussions about the options for resolution and helps both sides find common ground. This is done in the same session or over a series of sessions until the couple reaches an agreement. Both parties may also consult with their own attorneys during the process, but they don’t actively participate as part of the collaborative process like in a traditional lawsuit.עורך דין גירושין בחיפה